Spotkanie WORDCACH i STOPZET w Warszawie 23.04.16 r. [FILM]

Od 34:35 minuty filmu – Melanie Vritschan  prezentuje nowe Stowarzyszenie z Belgii o nazwie ICATOR



"Zapraszamy na relację ze spotkania WORLD CACH'u i STOPZETu poświęcone zagrożeniom i dylematom etycznym, jakie stawia przed współczesnymi społeczeństwami rosnąca rola elektroniki i cybernetyki w naszym życiu. Zaproszeni goście to Magnus Olsson, Dyrektor EUCACH – Europejskiej Koalicji Przeciwko Skrytemu Nękaniu, ofiara zdalnej kontroli umysłu i implantów oraz Kieron Lee Perrin, Superżołnierz, Cyborg, Targeted Individual.

Polskę reprezentowali Zofia Filipiak – Prezes STOPZETu, Witold Hake, oraz Ewa Pawela. Spotkanie odbyło się w Warszawie 23 kwietnia 2016 r. Prowadzenie Ewa Pawela, tłumaczył Alex Berdowicz."


Warszawa, 23.04.2016 r.
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kelly wallace
8 lat temu

My name is kelly im from ny usa. I am suffering and need help. I am being sexually violated molest me they do holding stress positions of pain with feet pressing my foot on top of other foot using my hands against will. They do artificial controlled dreams nightmares induced by the technology and are doing exteme itching crawling biting byrning sensatuons electric shocks to hans head eyes damaged my hands so to try to stop me frim writing to you they do torture physically mentally sexual violations and think they own me.they are hurting me right now. They crqck my wrists when I wrire crack bones electric shock hands I will never see there doctors again. Im in isilation confined hostage kidnapped dont want to eat traumatized desensitized, I have no one to talk to about the torture and sexual rapes molesting me by physical drugged and electronic stimulation of rape to my privates .and v2k, men from the police dept men from lake grove 4th precinct and other police depts veterans military firemen involced in torture rapes of me. Im gangstalked in public cant go to stores or work church doctor due to the mind ctrland using eyes against will seeing thru eyes and the lies aboutme and they keep touching my breasts nipples chest face mouth arms stomqch rectum feet legs back

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